It’s an exciting time for sales! Now, more than ever, technology is paving the way for sales people to crush quotas and deliver the best…
It’s an exciting time for sales! Now, more than ever, technology is paving the way for sales people to crush quotas and deliver the best…
If you have ever used Salesforce, then you know just how much firepower this CRM platform has behind it. What makes it even more useful…
If you think about your business as a living being your CRM tool is the heart. Every one of your prospects, opportunities, accounts, and contacts all get pumped and cycled throughout the…
We all know how important analytics are in business and Salesforce is one of the platforms that delivers them best. However, it is of no use…
Are you seeking greater visibility into demand for and pricing of your products in Salesforce.com? Below is a PDF that contains a detailed description (with…
Vik Singh of Infer writes an interesting guest post in VentureBeat about the significance of Salesforce’s new “Wave” cloud analytics platform. He looks at why…
Apttus has a great list of Dreamforce 2014 parties broken out by day, for those you lucky (and smart) enough to be attending. We don’t…
VentureBeat’s Jordan Novet speculates on the impact of Salesforce’s coming Analytics Cloud, a new cloud-based sales analytics product line due for launch at Dreamforce 2014.